if else ladder in c Language

Given Diagram is for the flowchart of the if-else Ladder statement.
The Flow chart shows working of if-else-if Ladder in C Programming.
if the Condition1 is TRUE then the Statement1 will be executed and control goes to next statement in the program following if-else-if ladder.
If Condition1 tested is FALSE only then Condition2 will be tested, if Condition2 is TRUE then Statement2 will be executed and control goes to next statement .
Similarly, if Condition2 is FALSE then next condition will be checked and the process continues.
If all the conditions in the if-else-if ladder are evaluated to FALSE, then Default Statement will be processed.

Example 1: C program to illustrates the use of if-else-if ladder statement .

/* C program to find maximum number out of 4 given numbers */
int main()
int p,q,r,s;
printf("\n Enter any four numbers");
if(p>q && p>r && p>s)    /*test p largest */
  printf("\n %d is Maximum number",p);
else if (q>p && q>r && q>s)    /*else test q is largest*/
  printf("\n %d is Maximum number",q);
else if (r>p && r>q && r>s)    /*else test r is largest */
  printf("\n %d is Maximum number",r);
  printf("\n %d is Maximum number",s);
return 0;

Enter any four numbers
8 is Maximum number.

Program Explanation:
The above program illustrates the use of if-else-if ladder statement to find maximum number out of given four number.
1. In the above program, we have declared integer variables int p,q,r,s ; to store integer values.
2. Then, we have used printf("\n Enter any four numbers");
Which shows the message "Enter any four number" on console and control waits until we do not enter any four number, then we entered numbers are
The Entered numbers get stored in variable p, q, r, s respectively by scanf("%d%d%d%d",&p,&q,&r,&s);
3. Then, we have used if with a test-expression to check whether the number in variable p is the maximum by using if(p>q && p>r && p>s).
Here the test expression evaluates to false i.e. p=5 is not greater than any of the variables so control jumps to next else-if block
4. and test the condition else if (q>p && q>r && q>s). which is again false because q=7 is not greater than any of the values or variable, control again jumps to next else-if block.
5.and start executing the condition else if (r>p && r>q && r>s). which is again evaluates to false i.e. r=1 is not greater than any other values and finally else block executes. Control transfer to else block.
5.else the statements inside the else block executes
i.e. printf("\n %d is Maximum number",s);
and gives final output 8 is Maximum number

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