pointer interview questions in C.pointer frequently Asked questions in C

Q5.What is the significance of the asterisk (*) in pointer declarations?
The asterisk (*) is used to dereference a pointer in pointer arithmetic. In other words, it is used to access the value stored at the memory address pointed to by the pointer. For example, suppose we have a pointer int *p pointing to an integer variable named x.

Q6.How do you access the value pointed to by a pointer in C?
To access the value pointed to by the pointer, you need to use the * operator (for example, if ptr is an int pointer, *ptr returns the pointed value by ptr. This is called dereferencing or indirection).

Q7.What is the difference between passing by value and passing by reference in C functions?
In the case of call by value, when we pass parameter values during a function call, they are copied into the function's local argument. In case of call by reference, when we pass the reference location/address code, they are copied and passed into the local argument of the function.

Q8.How do you use pointers to pass arrays to functions in C?
Arrays can be passed to C functions using pointers that refer to the base address of the array, and multidimensional arrays can also be passed to C functions.

Q9.What is a null pointer in C? How is it different from a void pointer?

A NULL pointer is a specific value that indicates that the pointer does not point to a valid address. A void pointer is a data type that does not define any specific data type, but is used to point to any type of data.

Q10.How do you dynamically allocate memory using pointers in C?
malloc() Method : The 'memory allocation' or 'malloc' method in C is used to dynamically allocate a single large block of memory of a given size. This pointer returns a void type, which can be cast to a pointer of any type.

Q11.Explain the concept of pointer to a pointer in C.
Pointer to pointer is used in C when we want to store the address of another pointer. The first pointer is used to store the address of the variable. And the second pointer is used to store the address of the first pointer. For this reason, they are also called double pointers.

Q12.What is a function pointer in C? How is it used?
A function pointer in C is a variable that holds the address of a function. Function pointers point to executable code in a program, unlike normal pointers in C that point to data. Function pointers can be useful when you want to create a callback mechanism and pass the address of one function to another function.

Q13.How do you avoid memory leaks when working with pointers in C?
To avoid memory leaks in C, memory allocated on the heap should always be freed when no longer needed.

14.What is the difference between a pointer and a reference in C?The main difference between the two is that a pointer contains the address of another variable it points to, while a reference is simply an alias for accessing an existing variable.

15.How do you deal with dangling pointers in C?
Laterally with understanding how a dangling pointer works, one should also understand how to avoid dangling pointers in C. This can be avoided by using static variables (if the variable has local scope) or by assigning NULL to the pointer (in case of freeing memory).

Q16.Explain the concept of pointer to a structure in C.
A structure pointer is defined as a pointer that points to the address of a block of memory in which a structure is stored, called a structure pointer. Complex data structures such as trees, linked lists, graphs, etc. Structures are created using structure pointers.

Q17.How do you use pointers to create linked lists in C?
In C, a linked list can be implemented using a structure and pointers.
struct linkedList
int data;
struct linkedList *next;
the above definition is used to create each node in the list. The data field stores the element and is a pointer to store the address of the next node.

Q18.What is the difference between static and dynamic memory allocation in C?
The main difference between static and dynamic memory allocation is that static memory allocation ensures that the memory size remains constant after allocation, whereas dynamic memory allocation allows the memory size to vary after allocation.

Q19.How do you free memory allocated using pointers in C?
The "free" method in C is used to dynamically deallocate memory. Memory allocated using the malloc() and calloc() functions does not deallocate itself. Therefore, the free() method is used when dynamic memory allocation occurs. It helps reduce memory loss by freeing it up.

Q20.Can you explain the concept of pointer casting in C?
In C, a casting is a way of temporarily treating a data object as a different data type. When casting pointers, especially pointers that are not data objects, be aware of the following characteristics and limitations: You can cast a pointer to another pointer of the same pointer type.

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