Basic C language introduction interview Frequently asked  questions (FAQ).

2. What are the core benefits of C Programming Language?
Here are a few reasons and benefits C language.
• C language is an well-organized, effective, efficient and resourceful programming language
• It is a structured programming language.
• It is very easy to language to learn and understand.
• The compilation of C programs can happen on different computer architecture.
• It supports you handle several low-level actions.

3. What are the some facts About the C Language?
• The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recognized the language in 1988.
• The C language was developed for writing an operating system (OS) called the UNIX OS.
• Programmers have created many modern tools and software using the C language.
• As of today, the C language is the best held and widely used programming language.
• This language is a descendant of the B language, which was born in the early 1970s.
• The developers of this language wrote the entire UNIX OS in C.

4.What are some Real Applications of a C Programming?
It is a language that was first used to develop systems—especially the programs that make up the OS (operating system). C programming language has been used as a language for system development because it produces code that runs as fast as assembly language codes.
Here are some examples of using C language in development:
• Language Compilers
• Print Spoolers
• Modern Programs
• Text Editors
• Databases
• Operating Systems
• Language Interpreters
• Assemblers
• Utilitiesv • Network Drivers

5. What Uses of the C Programming Language?
Procedural Language: The execution of the commands existing in a C program occurs step by step.
General Purposes: C programming language is popularly used for developing operating systems, databases, embedded systems,browsers etc.
Portable: A C program can be moved from a given platform to another one, and we can also run it on that platform without any of the changes.
Speed: The C language is ample faster as equated to a popular of the programming languages, such as Java, Python and more.

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