Define union in C language,Union is user-defined data type in C language.

Ways to Define a Union Variable in C.

We need to define a variable of the union type to start using union members. From the Given fig. We can conclude that There are two methods using which we can define a union variable in C programming Language.
1.With Union Declaration.
2.After Union Declaration.
1. Defining Union Variable with Declaration.
union union_name
  datatype member1;
  datatype member2;
 } variable1, variable2, ...;

2. Defining Union Variable after Declaration.
union union_name
  datatype member1;
   datatype member2;
 }; union union_name variable1, variable2, variable3...;
where union_name is the name of an union.

Access Union Members in C language.

Union members can be accessed like structures by using (.) dot operator.
In the given above example var name1 is the union variable and member 1 is the member of the union.
By using the the above method nested union members can also be accessed.
•  var_name1 is a union variable.
•  member_a is a member of the union.
•  member_B is a member of member_a.

Initialization of Union in C
The initialization of union is the process of assigning the values to the members of a union. The following is the syntax to assign values to union members.
var_name1.member1 = value;
Note: Only one union member can contain value at a given instance of time.

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