a program in C language  to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa using switch case.

1. The program starts by prompting the user to enter their choice - either 1 for Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion or 2 for Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion.
2. The user's choice is stored in the choice variable.
3. Using a switch case statement, the program checks the user's choice and performs the corresponding temperature conversion.
4. If the user chooses 1, the program asks for the temperature in Celsius, converts it to Fahrenheit, and prints the result.
5. If the user chooses 2, the program asks for the temperature in Fahrenheit, converts it to Celsius, and prints the result.
6. If the user enters an invalid choice, a message is displayed prompting them to enter either 1 or 2.
7. The program ends after performing the temperature conversion and displaying the result.

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