a c language program that finds the sum of numbers between given range. The range is entered by the user

Enter startinng number: 5
Enter the ending number: 10
The sum of numbers between 5 and 10 is:45

Include the #include<stdio.h> Standard Input-Output Library header file to ensures that the functions for input and output processes are accessible.
int main() function definition starts the execution of the program.
Define start, end and sum variables in main() function to store beginning number, ending number and total numbers.
Implement printf and scanf functions to prompt the user to enter start and end numbers.
Assign the user supplied initial value to a variable named current.
Write a while loop to iterate between integers from beginning to end. Use the += operator to add the current integer to the sum. Increment the current variable to move to the next number.
Use the printf function to display the sum of integers in a specified range after the loop completes.
At the end, return the number 0 to show the successful execution of the program.

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