a program in C   to check if a character is an alphabet, digit, or special character using if else statements.

The program begins by declaring a variable of type char to store the input character.
The user is prompted to enter a character using the printf and scanf functions.
The program then checks if the character exists within the alphabet range lower case and upper case using the OR function || and the suitable ASCII code.
If a character is in the alphanumeric range it is printed as an alphanumeric character.
If the character is in the numeric range 0-9 it will be printed as a number.
If a character does not fall into any of the above categories it is called a special character and is printed as such.

Previous :-->> 11.Create a program in C to determine the BMI category based on user input using switch-case. 
NEXT: 13.Develop a program in C language to check if a number is positive, negative, or zero using 'if-else' statements.
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