a program in C language to check if a given number is positive, negative, or zero using if else statements.

1. We include the necessary header file stdio.h for input/output operations.
2. In the mai function, we declare an integer variable number to store the input number.
3. We prompt the user to enter a number using printf and read the input using scanf.
4. We use if-else statements to check the value of the input number:
- If the number is greater than 0, it is considered positive.
- If the number is less than 0, it is considered negative.
- If the number is equal to 0, it is considered zero.
5. Based on the condition met, the program prints the appropriate message indicating whether the number is positive, negative, or zero.
6. Finally, the program returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

Previous :-->> 12.Implement a program C language to check if a character is an alphabet, digit, or special character using 'if-else' statements. 
NEXT: 14.Write a program in C to find the maximum of three numbers using nested 'if-else' statements.
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