a program in C language to  to calculate the income tax based on the salary using if else statements.

The program starts by declaring variables for salary and tax.
It prompts the user to enter their annual salary.
Using if-else statements, the program calculates the income tax based on the salary entered by the user.
If the salary is less than or equal to 250,000, the tax is set to 0.
If the salary is between 250,001 and 500,000, the tax is calculated at a rate of 5% on the amount exceeding 250,000.
If the salary is between 500,001 and 1,000,000, the tax is calculated at a rate of 10% on the amount exceeding 500,000 plus a fixed amount of 12,500.
If the salary is above 1,000,000, the tax is calculated at a rate of 15% on the amount exceeding 1,000,000 plus a fixed amount of 62,500.
The program then prints the income tax to be paid based on the salary entered by the user.

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