a program in C language to check if a given character is a special character of digit using if else statement.

The program first declares a variable ch to store the characters entered by the user.
It will then asks the user to enter a character.
The program uses if else statements to decide whether the input characters are numbers, letters or special characters.
If a character belongs to the ASCII range 0 to 9 it is considered as a number and the program shows it as a number.
If a character belongs to the ASCII range a to z or A to Z the character is considered a character and displayed by the program as a special character.If the character does not belong to any category the program prints that it is neither a number nor a special character.

Previous :-->> 19.Develop a program in C to perform basic arithmetic operations based on user input using switch case. 
NEXT: 21. Write a program in C to calculate the income tax based on the salary using if else statements.
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