a program in C to find the maximum number among given three numbers using nested if else statements only.

Enter any three numbers:
70 is the largest number.

Include the #include<stdio.h> Standard Input-Output Library header file to ensures that the functions for input and output processes are accessible.
int main() function definition starts the execution of the program.
then subsequently we declare a variable n1,n2 and n3 to store a number provided by the user.
The first program asks the user to enter any three number.
Then use nested "if" statements to compare numbers and decide the largest number.
The outside if statement checks whether the number n1 is greater than or equal to the number n2.
If that evaluates to true then it also checks whether n1 is greater than or equal to n3 and prints the result consequently.
If n1 is not greater, the program checks whether n2 is greater than or equal to n3 and prints the result consequently.
Finally, the program returns 0 to specify successful execution of the program.

Previous :-->>1. Write a program in c language to validate or check weather a given number is positive or negative using the if statement.
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