a program in C programming language that calculates student grades based on marks given using if else statements.

Enter the marks:90
The is Grade: A

Include the #include<stdio.h> Standard Input-Output Library header file to ensures that the functions for input and output processes are accessible.
int main() function definition starts the execution of the program.
The program begins by asking the user to input or enter the student's marks.
It then reads the input label marks using scanf() function and stores them in variables labelled marks.
The program uses a series of if else statements to determine the grade based on the morks scores entered.
The program will display an A GRADE if the marks scored is 90 or higher.
If the marks awarded are between 80 to 89 then B GRADE will be shown and so on.
If the marks count is less than 60 the program shows Grade F for failure.
Finally, the program returns 0 to indicate successful completion of program.
Finally, the program returns 0 to specify successful execution of the program.

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