a program in C language that asks the user to enter to enter two numbers and perform bitwise AND & operation.

 Enter a first decimal number: 5
 Enter a second decimal number: 3
 Result after bitwise and operation=: 1
In binary, 5 is represented as 0101 and 3 is represented as 0011.
1. In this program example We declare three integer variables 'x','y' and 'res' respectively.
2. The two numbers are accepted and stored in x and y using scanf() function.
3. Then the bitwise AND operation is performed between `x` and `y` using the `&` operator. The result of the operation is stored in the variable `res`.
4. The result of the bitwise AND operation between 0101 and 0011 is 0001, which is equal to 1 in decimal.
5. Finally the the result of the bitwise AND operation is shown using the printf() function.

1.Write a program to add two numbers using the '+' operator.
2.Write a program in C to subtract two numbers using the '-' operator.
3.Write a program in C to multiply two numbers using the '*' operator.
4.Write a program to divide two numbers using the '/' operator.
5.Write a program in C to find the remainder of two numbers using the '%' operator.
7.Write a program in C to perform bitwise OR on two numbers using the '|' operator.
8.Write a program to perform bitwise XOR on two numbers using the '^' operator.
9.Write a program in C to perform bitwise left shift on a number using the '<<' operator.
10.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise right shift on a number using the '>>' operator.
11.Write a program to in C check if a number is even or odd using the bitwise AND operator.
12.Write a program in C to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
13.Write a program in C to find the minimum of two numbers without using the 'if' statement.
14. Write a program in C to check if a number is negative without using the 'if' statement.
15. Write a program in C to toggle a particular bit in a number using bitwise XOR.

Other Topic:-->>Nested While Loop. || conditional statements Assignments in C.