a program in C language to to find the negative number without using the if statement

Let us study and check the result of the above formula for positive, negative, and zero,
1. When data is negative integer number:
1 + (-1) - 0 => 0

2. When data is a positive integer number:
1 + 0 - (-1) => 2
3. When data is zero 0:
1 + 0 - 0 => 1
So we know that the above formula returns 2 for a positive number, 0 for a negative number, 1 for zero.
If you don't want to use conditional if-else statement or ternary operator ? to find positive and negative numbers in C programming. So, you need to create an array of strings with "negative" at the 0th index, "zero" at the first index and "positive " in the second index.
You want to calculate the index using the above formula and print the row as per the index.
Let's look at a C program that checks positive, negative and zero without if else branch statement.

#include <stdio.h>
// Total numbers of bits required to represent integer
#define BITS sizeof(int) * 8
// 0 if it is negative
// 1 if it is zero
// returns 2 if it is positive
int main()
 int n,numType;
 // str array is string array that stores all kinds of number
 const char* str[] = { "Negative", "Zero", "Positive" };
 printf("Enter any number: ");
 scanf("%d", &n);
 //Calling function to get index
 numType = (1 + (n>>(BITS -1)) -(-n>>(BITS -1)));
 printf("%d is %s",n,str[numType]);
 return 0;
Enter any number: -10
Negative number
Enter any number: 10
Positive number
Enter any number: 0

1.Write a program to add two numbers using the '+' operator.
2.Write a program in C to subtract two numbers using the '-' operator.
3.Write a program in C to multiply two numbers using the '*' operator.
4.Write a program to divide two numbers using the '/' operator.
5.Write a program in C to find the remainder of two numbers using the '%' operator.
6.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise AND on two numbers using the '&' operator.
7.Write a program in C to perform bitwise OR on two numbers using the '|' operator.
8.Write a program to perform bitwise XOR on two numbers using the '^' operator.
9.Write a program in C to perform bitwise left shift on a number using the '<<' operator.
10.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise right shift on a number using the '>>' operator.
11.Write a program to in C check if a number is even or odd using the bitwise AND operator.
12.Write a program in C to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
13.Write a program in C to find the minimum of two numbers without using the 'if' statement.
15. Write a program in C to toggle a particular bit in a number using bitwise XOR.

Other Topic:-->>Nested While Loop. || conditional statements Assignments in C.