a program in C programming language that asks the user to enter  two numbers and perform bitwise xOR ^ operation.

 Enter any first decimal number: 10
 Enter any second decimal number: 6
 Result after bitwise XOR operation is: 12
In binary 10 is represented as 1010 and 6 is represented as 0110.
1. In this program given above We have declare three integer variables 'n1','n2' and 'ans' respectively.
2. The two numbers are accepted and stored in n1 and n2 variables using scanf() function.
3. Then the bitwise XOR ^ operation is performed between `n1` and `n2` using the `^` operator. The final result of the XOR ^ operation is stored in the variable `ans`.
4. The result of the XOR operation between 1010 and 1010 is 1100, which is 12 in decimal number system.
5. Finally the the result of the bitwise XOR (^) operation is displayed using the printf() library function .

1.Write a program to add two numbers using the '+' operator.
2.Write a program in C to subtract two numbers using the '-' operator.
3.Write a program in C to multiply two numbers using the '*' operator.
4.Write a program to divide two numbers using the '/' operator.
5.Write a program in C to find the remainder of two numbers using the '%' operator.
6.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise AND on two numbers using the '&' operator.
7.Write a program in C to perform bitwise OR on two numbers using the '|' operator.
9.Write a program in C to perform bitwise left shift on a number using the '<<' operator.
10.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise right shift on a number using the '>>' operator.
11.Write a program to in C check if a number is even or odd using the bitwise AND operator.
12.Write a program in C to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
13.Write a program in C to find the minimum of two numbers without using the 'if' statement.
14. Write a program in C to check if a number is negative without using the 'if' statement.
15. Write a program in C to toggle a particular bit in a number using bitwise XOR.

Other Topic:-->>Nested While Loop. || conditional statements Assignments in C.