a program in C language that asks the user to enter to enter two numbers and divide  these two numbers

 Enter the dividend:15
 Enter the divisor:5
 The quotient of 15 divided by 5 is: 3.00
1. We start by including the header file stdio.h required for input and output operations.
2. In the main function, we declare the variables dividend, divisor and quotient to store the input numbers and the result of the division.
3. We ask the user to enter the dividend and denominator using the printf and scanf functions.
4. Then we perform division operation using / operator. To ensure that the result is a floating-point number, we then type cast the dividend in float.
5. Finally, we display the result using printf function with the %2f format specifier to display the quotient up to two decimal places.

1.Write a program to add two numbers using the '+' operator.
2.Write a program in C to subtract two numbers using the '-' operator.
3.Write a program in C to multiply two numbers using the '*' operator.
5.Write a program in C to find the remainder of two numbers using the '%' operator.
6.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise AND on two numbers using the '&' operator.
7.Write a program in C to perform bitwise OR on two numbers using the '|' operator.
8.Write a program to perform bitwise XOR on two numbers using the '^' operator.
9.Write a program in C to perform bitwise left shift on a number using the '<<' operator.
10.Implement a program in C to perform bitwise right shift on a number using the '>>' operator.
11.Write a program to in C check if a number is even or odd using the bitwise AND operator.
12.Write a program in C to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
13.Write a program in C to find the minimum of two numbers without using the 'if' statement.
14. Write a program in C to check if a number is negative without using the 'if' statement.
15. Write a program in C to toggle a particular bit in a number using bitwise XOR.

Other Topic:-->>Basic Assignments. || conditional statements Assignments in C.